Grand Rounds Recap 10.26.22

Grand Rounds Recap 10.26.22

This week’s grand rounds features an overview of crush injuries with Dr. Della Porta, a fantastic look into the evidence behind preeclampsia and eclampsia management with Drs. Brower and Jackson, a discussion of evidence behind emergency medicine pharmacology dogma with Dr. Nagle, and a discussion of the cost of healthcare with Dr. Thompson.

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Grand Rounds Recap 10.12.22

Grand Rounds Recap 10.12.22

Starting off the week with Drs. Jarrell and Yates defining what advocacy looks like in leadership. Drs Finney and Chuko led us in two case follow up discussions featuring how to deal with early misses and Hickam’s Dictum. Finally the Cincinnati Peds team leads up in simuations of Status Asthmaticus.

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Grand Rounds Recap 9.15.21

Grand Rounds Recap 9.15.21

Join Us for another week of Grand Rounds as Dr. Boldt takes us through ED management of obstetric emergencies, Dr. Zalesky reviews a year of emergency medicine literature in a blitz, Dr. Hassan discusses ultrasound vs physical exam in modern emergency medicine, and our PEM colleagues take us through Ketamine laryngospasm, neonatal jaundice, and bacterial tracheitis.

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Grand Rounds Recap 06.09.21

Grand Rounds Recap 06.09.21

This week’s Grand Rounds was kicked off with our inaugural “The Art of EM” lecture that included a panel of our esteemed non-UC trained faculty members Drs. Lang, Minges, D.Thompson, Adan, and Stolz. Dr. Gillespie then expertly led us through hand infections in her R1 Clinical Knowledge lecture. Drs. Comiskey & Crawford took us on a deep dive of the literature surrounding the evaluation and management of DVTs. Lastly, our PEM colleagues walked us through a great video-simulation case series on critical pediatric cardiac pathology!

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Stuck between a Rock and a Hard Place: Navigating Renal Colic Treatment

Stuck between a Rock and a Hard Place: Navigating Renal Colic Treatment

Renal colic is a common presenting symptom in the ED, with an estimated prevalence as high as 10-15% in the US. (1) It accounts for approximately 1% of all ED visits per year. (27) Most patients will pass these calculi spontaneously and do not require surgical intervention, therefore focus on pain relief is of utmost importance in the emergency department. (1) NSAIDs have shown to be as effective, if not more effective than opioids, making them a reliable first line agent. (4,5) Opioids still provide a viable option in those with kidney disease or gastric ulcer disease, however they may be best utilized as combination agents to decrease the need for rescue analgesia. There is weak evidence to support the use of IV acetaminophen, with high cost burden, limiting its utility. Additional agents such as ketamine, lidocaine and magnesium carry with them limited evidence and inconsistencies in the literature, limiting their use, with further studies required. Alpha blockers seem to provide a shorter duration to expulsion, fewer pain episodes, and less hospital admissions with surgical intervention, specifically with larger stones (>5mm).

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Ketamine Potpourri

Ketamine Potpourri

In our most recent journal club, we took a look at 3 articles focused on the use of ketamine in the Emergency Department. When treating pain with ketamine, does a rapid administration of ketamine result in more dysphoria? When used for RSI, is ketamine more hemodynamically stable than etomidate? When using ketamine for procedural sedation in adult patients, does pre-treatment with versed or haldol decrease clinically significant emergence agitation?

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Grand Rounds Recap 10.16.19

Grand Rounds Recap 10.16.19

This week we disccused interventions for the crashing asthma patient with Dr. Mand, ESRD and dialysis related complications with Dr. Scanlon, shoulder and elbow xrays with Drs. Crawford and Scanlon, and a case of intussusception in an adult patient with Drs. Hunt and Bryant. Dr. Gauger provided his case follow up on PJP pneumonia complicated by methemoglobinemia, and Dr. Li took us through the ins-and-outs of gastric lavage in a simulated case of calcium channel blocker overdose.

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Grand Rounds Recap 3.27.19

Grand Rounds Recap 3.27.19

Enjoy this week’s Grand Round’s Recap. Dr. Murphy started us off with a great Morbidity and Mortality conference with a variety of fascinating cases. Next, Dr. LaFollette taught us some pearls for HEENT emergencies if you are out in the community. Dr. Hunt took us through transfusion reactions and how to manage them, followed by Dr. Hall discussing the management pearls of Nonconvulsive Status Epilepticus. Next, Dr. Connelly taught us how we can incorporate alternative EKG leads into our practice, and Dr. Klaszky finished our day with a nuanced take of how to manage refractory septic shock. It was a jam packed day full of great learning!

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Grand Rounds Summary 9.20.17

Grand Rounds Summary 9.20.17

This week's grand rounds started off with our EMS team represented by Dr. McMullan updating us on new EMS stroke protocols, an upcoming trial for pre-hospital ketamine use, as well as a refresher on notification calls.  This was followed by Dr. Shaw, who made his grand rounds lecture debut discussing the diagnostic and clinical utility of lactate.  Drs. Harty and Toth then went mano-a-mano in another installment of the CPC lecture series, during which they discuss the presentation, workup and management of carotid cavernous fistula.  Dr. Gorder then presented her clinical soap box, using the example of NG tube placement for SBO as a platform for addressing the impact of dogma within medicine.  Our peds EM colleagues then steered the ship for the final 2 hours, discussing 2 oral boards cases (fussiness in a newborn and HSP) as well as putting on a pediatric trauma simulation.

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Grand Rounds Recap 11.30.16

Grand Rounds Recap 11.30.16

This week in UCEM Grand Rounds: the harrowing story of the desaturating trauma patient with a metal pole impaled through his mouth and neck. Also: making the diagnosis of HIV in the ED. Managing hemorrhagic shock on Air Care. How much did that ED visit or hospitalization cost your patient? Managing tachy-arrhythmias in the setting of cardiac arrest with a pacemaker.

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Grand Rounds Recap 1/6

Grand Rounds Recap 1/6

Emergency KT Protocol - The Pharmacology of RSI with Drs. Dang and Renne

Who do we RSI? What do we use? We can be better than etomidate and succ and the protocol in development will drill into the details - here is an overview:

  • The most clinically useful categorization of RSI candidates is probably based on hemodynamics
  • Hemodynamically unstable patients can be classified as “shock" based on myriad criteria and/or clinician gestalt while patients in whom the adrenergic surge of laryngoscopy could potentiate their pathology (e.g., increased ICP, aortic dissection, active ACS, or hypertensive crisis, etc.) can be classified as “high risk hypertension” for patients with increased ICP
  • The hemodynamic classification of a patient determines his/her track down the pathway, but their classification can shift at any point based on clinician discretion (i.e., a well-resuscitated shock patient may later be considered “stable” and managed accordingly) 
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The Agitated Patient

The Agitated Patient

I don’t know if this has happened to you yet.  It happened to me on my first shift as an intern.  I hadn’t laid hand on a stethoscope in months.  I had just unloaded the cardboard boxes from my rental truck into my new place.  As I was settling in to my first few patient encounters one of our nurses approached me to say that a patient had been brought into our area that was extremely agitated.  I looked up to see a man being held down by multiple police officers, thrashing and swearing.  

“What can I give him?” She said.

“How about a hug?” I replied.

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Grand Rounds Recap 9/9

Grand Rounds Recap 9/9

Case Follow up with Dr. Winders

The Sick Patient with Pulmonary Artery Hypertension (PAH)

  • PAH defined as right heart catheterization with mPAP > 25mmHg, which can be estimated by echo
  • Readily associated with right ventricular failure, measured by TAPSE < 1.8 with M mode over tricuspid annulus
  • EKG can also help identify these patients with right axis deviation or right atrial enlargement
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