Grand Rounds Recap 2/3/16

Grand Rounds Recap 2/3/16

This week we had our annual Critical Care Symposium where we invited our own critical care trained faculty and a special guest to have a day chock full of critical care goodness.

Refractory septic shock with Dr. David norton

Dr. David Norton, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Director of the UCMC Medical Intensive Care Unit

Definition of Refractory Shock:

No clear definition exists, but we are generally describing a state of decreased vascular responsiveness despite high vasopressor infusion.

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Ventilator Management Simulation Debriefing

Ventilator Management Simulation Debriefing

Case 1 - "Bucking the Vent"

You have inherited a patient in the VA MICU at signout.  The patient presented with spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and altered mental status and was intubated for airway protection and hypoxic/hypercarbic respiratory failure.  The patient’s altered mental status has resolved but the patient remains intubated waiting for a second large-volume paracentesis that can’t be done over the long weekend at the VA. The RT calls you asking for a one time dose of 5mg Versed, but on a quick glance at the chart, the patient has been getting these Q2 hours for the last several days.  You go to the bedside and find an agitated patient motioning to take out the tube.  “He’s bucking the vent doc!”

Vent settings: AC-VC: TV500  RR12  PEEP8  FiO2 30%

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